Hip Ligament Anatomy

The hip joint is one of the most important joints in the human body. Structures of the hip joint articulating surfaces.

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The hip joint is reinforced by four ligaments of which three are extracapsular and one intracapsular.

Hip ligament anatomy. It allows us to walk run and jump. The acetabulum is a cup like depression located on the inferolateral aspect of the pelvis. This ligament is located entirely within the hip joint.

The hip joint is a ball and socket synovial joint which connects axial skeleton pelvis to lower limb femur. Its cavity is deepened by the presence of a fibrocartilaginous collar the acetabular labrum. Hip anatomy function and common problems.

Hip ligaments and tendons tough fibrous tissues that bind bones to bones and muscles to bones. On top of that layer of muscle is the iliotibial band which starts at the brim of your pelvis outside the hip joint and runs down your leg if the iliotibial band a long tendon that many muscles in your hip and leg attach to becomes too tight or overused this can contribute to hip pain. The hip joint consists of an articulation between the head of femur and acetabulum of the pelvis.

The acetabulum is the female portion of the hip joint. Large ligaments tendons and muscles around the hip joint called the joint capsule hold the bones ball and socket in place and keep it from dislocating. Hip problems occur when any one of these components starts to degenerate or is in some way compromised or irritated.

It spans the hip running from the acetabular notch to the fovis capitis of the femur attaching the femoral head to the inferior acetabular rim. Yet the hip joint is also one of our most flexible joints and allows a greater range of motion than all other joints in the body except for the shoulder. The ball of the joint is formed by femoral head and the socket is formed by acetabulum.

The acetabulum is formed by the merging of the ossification centers of ilium ischium and pubis bones of pelvis. It keeps the hip from hyper extension pubofemoral ligament which attaches the most forward part of the pelvis known as the pubis to the femur ischiofemoral ligament which attaches to the ischium the lowest part of the pelvis and between the two trochanters of the femur. It bears our bodys weight and the force of the strong muscles of the hip and leg.

The head of femur is hemispherical and fits completely into the concavity of the acetabulum. The extracapsular ligaments are the iliofemoral ischiofemoral and pubofemoral ligaments attached to the bones of the pelvis the ilium ischium and pubis respectively. This structure is completed by the transverse acetabular ligament which stretches across the acetabular notch.

Since the cartilage is smooth and slippery the bones move against each other easily and without pain. And synovial membrane and fluid which encapsulates the hip joint and lubricates it respectively. While it is a concave structure its bony rim is partially surrounded by a fibrocartilaginous ring known as the labrum.

This ligament is joined with nerves and vessels that pass to the femoral head. It is the part of the pelvis in which the ilium ischium and pubis merge. A concavity which encompasses the head of the femur.

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