What Does Ventral Mean In Anatomy

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The ventral surfaces of the body include the chest abdomen shins palms and soles.

What does ventral mean in anatomy. Biological science biology the science that studies living organisms. The abdominopelvic cavity is further divided into the abdominal cavity and pelvic cavity but there is no physical barrier between the two. Ventral is a term of location used in anatomy which means the anterior part of the body frontbelly and dorsal means the posterior part back.

Ventral nearest to or facing toward the axis of an organ or organism. These two terms used in anatomy and embryology refer to back dorsal and front or belly ventral of an organism. Ventral can mean closer to the abdomen below or the bottom surface of an object such as ventral surface of the tongue bottom side.

Pertaining to the front or anterior of any structure. Ventral of or relating to the underside of an organism or that side which is normally directed downwards in the usual stance or resting position. Equivalent to the front or anterior in humanscompare dorsal1def 2.

Of or designating the lower or inner surface of a structure. Asked in human anatomy and physiology what is the medical term. Medical definition of ventral.

You dismissed this ad. Try jira for free. Of or relating to the venter or belly.

Being or located near on or toward the lower surface of an animal as a quadruped opposite the back or dorsal surface. It is made up of the thoracic cavity and the abdominopelvic cavity. The feedback you provide will help us show you more relevant.

The ventral surfaces of the body include the chest abdomen shins palms and soles. Situated on or toward the lower abdominal plane of the body. The dorsal from latin dorsum meaning back surface of an organism refers to the back or upper side of an organism.

Being or located near on or toward the front or anterior part of the human body. Of or relating to the belly. In bipedal primates such as humans the ventral side is the front which would become the underside if a four legged gait were assumed.

If talking about the skull the dorsal side is the top. Ventral body cavity the ventral body cavity is a human body cavity that is in the anterior front aspect of the human body.

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